Angela Kelsey

Tell the Story

A Picture’s Worth …

Filed in voices, Writing :: January 9, 2012


But I’m a writer–it’s supposed to be about the words, isn’t it?

Not so fast.

I’m learning that pictures feed my words.

I’ve been trying to walk outside,  think in images, capture my own, and let them guide, or even tell, my stories.

If you want to learn to take better pictures–pictures that feed you and your writing–check out this course by Bindu Wiles that starts on January 16.

Bindu is a wise, thoughtful, creative, and most important, fearless friend who shares not just her photographs but her photographic skills with her readers and students.

I think she’ll inspire you as she does me.

Filed in voices, Writing

1 Comment

  1. wholly jeanne

    your words are inspiring, and your photos are inspiring. so glad you have that new camera and aren’t afraid to use it. i’m sure bindu’s class is informing and inspiring.