Angela Kelsey

Tell the Story

a Valentine to some of my teachers

Filed in Books, Memoir, Writing :: February 14, 2010

I've been thrilled by the responses I've gotten for the last couple of weeks, so before I go on (sprinting through the second half of February to the finish) I want to take a second to thank readers and commenters and tweeters and bloggers.  Everyone I'm going to thank is on Twitter, so I'll use their twitter names in my list.

Please follow them on Twitter, read their blogs, and read their excellent comments here.

And Valentines Day love to Michael, Michelle, Meredith, and Tania.

Filed in Books, Memoir, Writing


  1. Square-Peg Karen

    Thank you so much! I was in the Underworld, so didn’t see this til now –makes me smile – what glorious company, but sorry to respond so late!!

  2. whollyjeanne

    have been traveling and offline for seems like a year – but tonight, i couldn’t wait to get back here and catch up. what a nice surprise. thank you – for the valentine and for putting me in such high cotton. xo