Angela Kelsey

Tell the Story

Jeanne’s Writing Cloth

Filed in Memoir, Stories, voices, Writing :: July 1, 2011

I’ve linked to my friend Jeanne’s blog many times, in many posts.

Since we met online in 2009, I’ve found her to be a treasure who’s taught me, by word and deed, the meaning and value of bearing witness, tucking in, end-of-life doulas, churning, and sugar–and this is a ridiculously abbreviated list.

Now, on July 1, 2011, the Half New Year, Jeanne’s come up with another gift, a new project called WritingCloth.

Jeanne does a better job than I can of describing what writing cloth means, so here is part of what she says:

“I am going to simply tell you a story and the story about how the story happens. I am going to tell it to you slowly, just as it unfolds and decides to be told, as it whispers and reveals itself to me. It’s a slow story, being written with the muse of slow cloth in the context of a not-so-slow life.”

Here’s why I’m excited about it:

:: Jeanne is a gifted storyteller, and I want to know these stories–of her characters, her self, and the process of creating both.

:: I want to see how Jeanne uses the art/craft of cloth to propel and nourish the art/craft of written story.

:: The site is beautiful (check it out if you haven’t yet).

:: I want my writing students to have a chance to watch this writer’s process, up close and personal.

:: I’m an affiliate.  If you join Writing Cloth through the link in my sidebar, part of what you pay Jeanne will flow into my paypal account, and then I’ll give all of my share to Women in Distress, a Ft. Lauderdale domestic violence shelter.  Everyone wins.

I hope you’ll come along with me.





  1. wholly jeanne

    Sugar, this is such an honor, such a thrill, such a joy. I bow before you in deep gratitude and say simply, Thank you.

    Thank you for holding my hand through this process. Thank you for being my sounding board as I talked things out. Thank you for supporting women who’ve been violated and abused – that’s something near and dear to both of us, and I’m delighted that you’re an Affiliate and what you’ve decided to do with your Affiliate funds. I love it when women support women. Everybody wins. Everybody. xo

    • Angela

      Thank you, Jeanne, for creating WritingCloth. Can’t wait to see more.